'It's just Soleg for now then,' Vol thought to himself. If it was just Soleg, then it made matters simpler. He wasn't a military man, if Vale was to be believed. He was unlikely to present as much of a threat as Earl Maddon's men had once presented to them. Besides, it wasn't like they were trapped in Karsam Valley now either. There were plenty more options open to them as far as escape, especially when the plains were as wide as they were.
Still, the feeling of entrapment loomed, even without anything to show for it. The fact that he could feel the foreboding sense of something dangerous arriving brought some strange degree of comfort, when it should have brought nothing but dread. It at least assured Vol that his eyes could see – or at least sense the presence of – the piece that he was missing, even if he didn't know exactly what it was.
"What trouble those two old fools have caused," Vol said aloud. "They'll pay for this, in short order."