The Strongest - Part 4

"Yes," Penelope replied, making her voice strong.

Vol glanced at that sketch, and recoiled. There really was not an awful lot to it. It looked like a box, surrounded by flames, with a pair of eyes and a wide open jaw.

"…See, these are its legs," Penelope was saying, pointing to lines that almost appeared random. If she hadn't pointed them out, Vol would have never guessed that was what they were. "It has a lot of them. Eight, I think. Perhaps ten. But anyway, you see what I mean, don't you?"

Looking at that drawing, Vol didn't at all see what she meant. The fact that it had multiple legs was about as much information as Vol had been clued in on. The rest, to him, seemed all but random, like it ought not to have been there. He snorted back a rebuke, having to fight back the urge to tell Penelope how bad the drawing was, and he settled into a readiness for his summoning.