Schemes - Part 15

The bandits themselves were the ones forced to take backwards steps. They pressed against the funnelled doors to either side of them, but they did not budge. The shattered beams held them well in place.

When they further cut the number of bandits down to fifty, even Ser Thornhand seemed to grasp that they were winning.

His eyes went wide. "I hired them for this… I did. I told myself I expected this. But my Lady Farseer... Is this not inhuman? Can one man stand so far above another? And you have ten of them? What manner of spirit are they all imbued with."

Penelope smiled at that. "The spirit of the warrior, and of the raider, Ser. They have survived battles far more dangerous than this. Once their number was three hundred, and they created fear wherever they roamed. In time, I am sure it will exceed that."