A Castle In The Dark - Part 8

But then he heard the sound that he'd been hoping for. The grating of stone on stone. Something had moved. He glanced to the right, towards the source of the noise, and indeed, where before there had been solid wall, now there was a doorway, and a set of steps leading down into the darkness.

If not for the System telling him to collect the treasure, he would never have known to look. He would have merely glanced about the room, assumed there was nothing going on, and left.

Borne seemed to be of the same opinion. "Is luck, and strength? Was wise to follow," he said, clapping Vol on the shoulder.

Vol glanced towards the church's open doorway. He could hear sounds coming from the courtyard, as the soldiers streamed down from the wall, and hurried to catch the raiders.

"Let's hurry," he said, reaching for one of the sacks that he'd kept in a ball at his belt. Seeing him do that, the other two reached for a sack of their own.