The First Job - Part 1

"Aye? It sounds like what you're saying," Silverfish said. "We went against all the armies of the King and we survived it, and you're bloomin' acting like we're the weakest little force in the world."

"…You call that surviving it?" Harland said. "Do you know how much we lost, Silverfish?"

"You more than me," Silverfish said, shrugging. "But I don't pissin' care. I've never had nothin'. I'm fine with losing something. I've gained strength. You've gained strength. We haven't lost that, have we? No one's going to take that away."

"He's right," Vale said. "We don't need to continue this forever, Harland. We just play quietly until we have the strength to play loud."

"Why didn't we do that before?" Harland said. "Why did we have to go as far as we did?"

"Did you think that the King would come for us, when we barely had a few hundred men?" Vol said. "If you did, you should have spoken."