The Green Skins - Part 6

The fact that Vale did not bat an eyelid at being introduced as such only lent to the story. If not for Vagrin's horrified expression – he was veritably smitten by Vale by now – the two brothers would have had every reason to believe what Silverfish had said.

Only Rast seemed to see through it, while Bert was going white with rage.

"You're… joking… right?" Bert hissed. "You couldn't. Not before me. No… No. I refuse to believe it."

"Calm yourself, brother. He is toying with you," Rast told him. Silverfish was unable to hide his smile. As soon as the ruse was pointed out, he merely shrugged.

"Just kiddin', she actually smells pretty bad. Not my sort, if I had to say. She's been asking me to marry her for weeks now, but I just keep saying no," Silverfish shrugged.