Victory Spoils - Part 1

They had the time to position themselves thoroughly, though, and by the time they once more came into view, they were set and solid. A whole storm of arrows reigned down on them from directly above, but not a single one managed to make their way towards the oarsmen as they steadily worked to keep the massive ship moving.

They heard the frustrated shouts from the cliff as they left it behind. Through the cracks of the shields in front of him, Vol could see that same Commander on his white horse as he gave orders on the cliff. He seemed to watch them with all the intensity of a hawk as they slowed and got out of range.

And then the jeering started, when they were quite sure they were fine. Blackbeard led it off.

"SHAME ABOUT YOUR MISTRESS' EAR! I'LL GIVE IT BACK NEXT TIME I'M PASSING THROUGH!" Blackbeard shouted up, before remembering something. "Oy, Vol, what happened to that bitch anyway? I left her to you, didn't I?"

"I killed her," Vol said simply, as he continued to row.