Strategic Importance - Part 2

Vol twisted his mouth. "There are things worse than death. Perhaps not for you, but for your daughter there."

Batinkog translated that too.

"Your threat has been noticed. But my daughter is still a Torn. She knew what she was born into. She knew what it meant to be of a mere Count's birth, and yet to be entrusted with the defence of a castle. We would not have been able to fill those shoes without giving it our all, and now we have given it our all," Count Torn said. "Besides, do you think I would allow her a life of such suffering?"

The Count showed them the dagger that he had kept hidden in his sleeve. Harland twitched, and moved to give a command, but Vol said nothing. He was curious as to what the old Count would do. Just how far he would go.

"Show me your honour, then, old man," Vol said.

"As you have shown me yours," the Count replied.