Strategic Importance - Part 3

Vol heard all the complaints of his men. He didn't think there were more than a handful amongst them who agreed with him, and even those who were in agreement only did so out of spite. After having wasted so much of their efforts in securing it, that handful could barely stand to look at it.

They ought to have been making a triumphant return, and singing songs of victory, after their Commander had finally managed to secure the brilliant win that they sought after. But with the taste of smoke burning their lungs, none could bring themselves to. It was a bitter army that made it back to Karth, and Vol found that he did not care in the least.

Those that they'd left behind at Karth were even more confused to see the state of them. What it looked like was a defeated army returning home, and from the height of the battlements, Penelope felt her shoulders sink, as Lady Tiller gave her a rather strained smile.