Karth Keep - Part 3

His heart wasn't yet in it, but Yordly had no choice. He was pulled in by a current that wasn't his own. Fear took over, from the lack of control, but he found him raising his sword and bellowing with the rest of them. Forwards he went, rushing straight into danger, with his men at his back.

'It was unassailable, wasn't it father..? Could it be that I might capture it in your place?'

A sea of blood and corpses decorated the interior of the Keep when the men arrived. There were fifty or more men, sprawled in the open corridors, with limbs scattered here and there, and guts steaming in the cold interior air. Those twenty men that had led the charge seemed likely that they could have taken the entire castle themselves, but instead, they had stopped, and turned to wait, allowing the enemy to gather on the stairs in defence of Karth keep, and allowing the newer men to have their chance at glory.