Count Nest's Problem - Part 5

Vol slammed at the man's shield with the flat of his axe. That strike alone, blunted though it was, carried the man off his feet, and sent him skidding along the ground. Level 100 put the man at a significant strength, but it was still far from enough to begin to test the might of a Third Boundary man like Vol.

"Surrender," Vol said again. The man was afraid, it was clear enough, but he managed to keep that fear off his face. He pulled himself to his feet, and assumed his position once more.

"Not while my men still draw breath," he said, and Vol could tell that he meant it.

"Very well," Vol said, closing the distance in an instant, and cracking the man across the face with the shaft of his axe. The man fell to the floor with a mighty clatter of weight armour, entirely unconscious.