Penelope translated that question and asked it of Ratcatcher. The man snorted in reply.
"Blackwood ain't no fool. He's got time enough to do what he needs to do, my Lady. Don't you worry, he'll put in his shift."
Ratcatcher might have seemed the most confident amongst them. Surprise was the emotion that only the men of Count Nest were privy to. They had not said as much, but in truth, they hadn't expected the Sea Serpent's plan to work as well as it had. They certainly had not expected two ships to be slain so quickly. There was a gleefulness there, as they came to realize that the rumours were true, and then some.
They had quietly watched the efforts of a mere three Sea Serpent men, and the only word they could use to describe them was "monsters." Three men were all each capture had taken. Two to draw their attention, and one, in the form of the mighty Vol, to beat a hole through solid wood in just a few strikes of the hammer.