A Castle In The Dark - Part 5

But no, this was good solid stone, a horrible grey of despair when viewed through the eyes of a would-be attacker. The gate was wood, or so it seemed, but it wasn't as though they had much choice in that. Still, no gate was meant to be overcome as easily as Oliver Patrick had made it look. The gates were meant to be able to withstand siege for several days.

And this was the sort of gate that would defend a town, with the same sort of walls that would defend a town. Of course, not quite as big, but equally as solid, and at the very least, comparable.

As they ran, they began to see the fires of guardsmen holding their torches doing their duty atop the wall. These were the elite Syndran veterans that had been mentioned. Men promoted to their posts after achieving honour on the battlefield. In other words, thoroughly blooded men.