A Yarmdon Puppeteer - Part 2

Icon had looked moderately doubtful at that, but he hadn't given voice to whatever doubts it was that he was keeping hidden. He had forced himself to nod instead. "Very well," he said. "We shall do what you say. It is a better plan than I had a few hours ago. I put the future of my house in the hands of your Sea Serpents, Lady Penelope."

And now that moment was well upon them.

The Icon men had to force themselves to remain calm, even though they knew well enough that Count Thrush's army was streaming down the main road. They were in seeing distance now, if a man stood up to look – but they'd known where they were through the scouts long before.

They sat before the fire, in full armour, but they did not look towards what they knew was there. They waited, and waited, ignoring the sounds of many hooves, and the steady drumming of many boots.