Old Blood and Stone - Part 6

The startlement on Rast's face as he was sent skidding in the mud a short distance away was a sight to see. He couldn't believe it. When he glanced up to see his brother's face above him, wearing the same look of surprise, it only made the situation worse. It lent it validity. Had Bert not arrived when he had, Rast might have written Vol's strength off as his own lack of proper footing.

"He's strong, Brother," Bert said, offering him a hand to his feet.

"He is," Rast said, taking it. "I do not believe I can beat him alone. Nor do I think it wise to try."

"He beat us at this juncture," Bert said grimly, acknowledging the remains of his men. All thirty had now perished. The death of the right flank was a certainty now. The cavalrymen were freed up once again, and they were aiming to cut deeper into the wound that they had already created, joining Vol in his cause. "If we do not deal with them here and now, they will pierce a hole straight through our men."