A Yarmdon Puppeteer - Part 4

There was no need to waste his time thinking about killing as many men as possible. All he needed to be was a drill that bore straight through the heart of the enemy. It was both the quickest route to the Count, and also the most effective way of leveraging the arrowhead formation that they had already employed.

Back and forth he swung his hammer, every swing netting him a fresh man, and another step of ground. He could hear the melee breaking out behind him, as Vale and Silverfish joined in, exercising all the force available to them as members of the Second Boundary.

The Sea Serpents paved a path of the most refined sort, so that when the infantry of Ser Icon finally did make it to the numerically advantaged enemy that they had so feared, that enemy was already weak, and beginning to buckle from the fearsome attack that had already shocked straight through its ranks.