The Final Line - Part 8

"Damn it… You were on your last legs. You mean to mock me!?" He shouted. "I won't be done in by the likes of an Ogre!" He slashed, his sword finding flesh. The blade dug in deep through the wounded monster, and found bone. The arm fell to the ground but a moment later, and he shouted his elation. "See!" He said. "Your trickery won't work on me, madman! Even if you make your monsters kneel to appear weak, I won't fall for it!"

"To appear weak?" Vol said. "I did nothing of the sort. It knelt because it was expected of it. It knelt, as one should kneel before their King. You will kneel as well, Grange. Just as Ironborne did." He took another step forward as he said that, his warhammer looming threateningly.

"S-stay back!" Grange warned. "Stay away from me, madman! You are no King! You never will be!"