The Final Line - Part 7

"Fool – it's over," Ironbane said. Even with that swing of Vol's hammer, it was already beginning to slow. Reaching even the lance would be a difficult feat. To reach the sword was an impossibility.

Vol could see the same. Those two flames that his instincts and Pandora had bid that he put together – they refused. He'd aligned them, and drew them next to each other, but that final little bit of energy necessary to make them one, they refused it with vehemence. There simply wasn't enough.

"Kneel," Vol said, through gritted teeth. With an effort of will, he forced them closer, beyond their natural path. They moved the barest inch. "Kneel," he growled again, feeling his wrath begin to leak out, recalling the situation that he was in, and the treacherousness of those that sought to snatch away all that he worked for. "KNEEL!" He cried, and the last of that emotion exploded.