The First Job - Part 3

"You, my Lady?" The man said. Though it ought to have been a term of respect, the way he said it, all the respect seemed to have been stripped from it. His surprise was replaced by doubt. "Begging your pardon, but I do not think we need another objective with which to protect."

"You seem rather set to complain," Penelope countered. "Those are two complaints, against separate things, even when a solution has been offered. Could it have been that you took this quest without knowing what it entailed?"

It was a harshness that one would never have heard from the Penelope of months ago, before she had met the Sea Serpents, but even in her challenge, she was pleasant. She didn't dig too deep with her words, nor lend too much aggression in her voice. Still, the man bristled, and removed the helmet from his head, allowing his long brown hair to scatter across his shoulders.