Battle - Part 5

Harland and Northy took their place beside him. "The winds… The winds changed, Boss. All of a sudden, it's whipping something devilish. Never felt wind like this in all my life."

"There are too many to count in the distance there, Vol," Harland said. His voice was calm, despite how pale his face looked. "What are we to do? Can we fight that many? We took on Ruddock, so it might not be impossible… but something about this feels different."

In response to that, Vol could offer no more than a grunt. The fact was indeed that they didn't yet know. Vol couldn't even tell one man from the other yet. They were still a thin black line to him. Of course, his Level System couldn't work at such a range either – not when he couldn't tell the men apart himself.

His every instinct told him to retreat, and to buy time, but in truth, what Vol wanted to do was buy resources. There were still things in Karsam that were of importance. Tools that they could use.