The first soldier was killed by his own weapon, and those unlucky enough to be right next to that opening crack soon suffered the same fate. Their weapons were taken from them and turned on them, as the villagers broke free, in a tide of emotion, inviting full chaos in.
Now the others were beginning to notice. The Hobgoblin suffered another slash to its back, bringing it down to its knees, but more than half the raiders were looking gobsmacked, as hundreds of villagers went stampeding down the cobbled road towards the noble houses, testing doors and windows as they went, looking for anyway inside.
And such a scene was what old Lord Feltan had left his sickbed to oversee. Lady Grace had desperately tried to start a speech to calm the masses, but her voice no longer carried as it once had, for there was no one listening, not with the world blanketed in full chaos as it was.