Battered Warriors - Part 8

"I would like to know that as well," Harland said dryly. "As much as I said that our defeat yesterday was not particularly a great problem, I am not eager to see it repeated. At the very least, I supposed you might make ladders, or something… But you're rushing too much. This will only end up poor for us."

"They've a trap in place today," Vol said, narrowing his eyes as he looked at the gates.

"…All the more reason we shouldn't attack weakly," Harland said. His acceptance of Vol's instincts was absolute. As far as Harland was concerned, if Vol aid there was a trap, there most certainly was one. "What do you think it is? And where?"

"…The gates," Vol guessed. "Something's there. Perhaps an oil trap. Perhaps they expected us to come with a battering ram, and they were willing to give us the gates, if it meant that they'd be able to slaughter us all for it."