Forwards - Part 4

Ironbane laughed at Vol's expression. "Is this your first time seeing proper strength, lowborn? Why would you assume that an Earl's army would be anything like the sorts of raiders that you've faced? Oh – but then I suppose you have only faced Ruddock. Not much in the way of battle experience, eh boy?"

That was another assertion that brought a frown to Vol's face. "Just Ruddock?" Vol said. "Is that all the men that you think I've killed?"

"Like a bad smell, you arrived suddenly, and struck down the Earl's favourite," Ironbane continued. "It's no wonder you're to be executed for witchcraft. You've been dealing in the likes of magic, haven't you, eh? Sold your soul to a Dark God in exchange for a fragment of power?"

"Just Ruddock?" Vol said again. Now it was his turn to smile. "Is that what you fools think? That it was just Ruddock I struck down?"