Forwards - Part 3

Forward might have been their hope, and as long as three Ogres were running at the front, with Vol and Vale behind them, that hope was something worth betting on. Even Silverfish and Northy were securing more routes forward for them. It seemed too overwhelming an amount of momentum to be crushed.

But of course, cruel as the Gods were, it was at the height of the villagers' hope that their first true challenge was delivered.

In a sudden cloud of flesh, bone and green blood, an Ogre was suddenly torn apart. It came so quickly that Vol himself did not even see it. His instincts had warned him of something approaching a mere few seconds before it had occurred, and he'd looked around the battlefield with widened eyes, but he hadn't managed to catch sight of it. Not until the very instant it had collided with his front line, and put a hole the size of a fully grown man straight through his centremost Ogre.