The Pursuit - Part 9

"I would sooner see us all survive," Vale said. "It is still a long road, Lord Commander. A day and a half, or two – but I do not think it will be the end of our journey. Two Earls wish for your head. That's a power that's hard to fight against, even with a border in our way. Besides, you have already given me what I wished for. You have sworn to let me guard Princess Penelope."

"…And that, I suppose, is the true reason that you are here?" Vol asked. He didn't need to wait for Vale's response. "Then I'll leave her to you. Your time will come to rest after hers. You might even be able to share a carriage."

He pretended not to notice the almost alarming look of glee that came from Vale as he mentioned that. It seemed like the sort of thing that would be made worse by addressing it, rather than just ignoring it as he intended to.