Fort Karsam - Part 3

With the departure of Harland a few days before, he'd been curious enough about the new Skill Power to try to look for ways to use it. After all, he could summon a Hobgoblin, and keep it in perpetual animation for a week. That surely would have some sort of benefit to it, perhaps. But it seemed like it would be more useful on a higher-skill class monster like an Ogre, given that he'd only be able to use it once a week, thus meaning he could only really have one long-term summon active at a time. That was a fact true for all things other than a Wood Sprite.

"What are you up to, Commander?" Silverfish asked, tilting his curiously. He'd seen that Vol had been looking down into the valley for a while, a hint of longing in his eyes. It was almost disturbing to see.

"Do you suppose there are trees at the other end?" Vol asked.