The Known - Part 3

"Good to know, and now I'm only increasingly glad that I took the sensible option. Besides, Princess Penelope recommended it for my wounds. She is our doctor of sorts, no? Was I one to deny her?" Harland said.

"Aye, if you had any pride, you woulda. Besides, I doubt she thought you'd take as much as you did, you fat bastard," Silverfish said.

"Since when did a pain drought make you put on weight?" Harland said.

"Dunno. I was going to ask you that," Silverfish said.

"You're a real pain in the arse today, old man," Harland said. Despite the pain draught making him more reserved than usual, he was quickly beginning to get fired up as a result of Silverfish's antagonisms. "You are best ignoring Silverfish whenever you can, Batinkog," Harland told his student.

Batinkog nodded sincerely.

"Oy, Batinkog, can you play at being a tavern wench, and tell Harland he's a soft bastard?" Silverfish said.