The Worst Case - Part 2

"You don't seem panicked…" Pandora said. "Have you given up?"

She narrowed her eyes in saying that, as if testing ihm. That was the one thing that Pandora would never allow. If Vol would willingly walk to his death, then Pandora would much have preferred to hurry him towards it herself, rather than allow some mortal to rid them of all the progress that they've made.

"I have not," Vol said.

"Then why are you so calm?" Pandora said. "You've heard what you're against. The King, and at least three Earls. You weren't exaggerating when you said that the entirety of the Yarmdon are against you… And yet, you're calm. I would have thought you'd at least be feeling hatred, and anger."

"Oh, both of those I feel plentifully," Vol assured her. "But it would be wasted to let them loose now. I'll save them for the men that deserve them."

"And me?" Pandora said.

"What of you?"