A Greedy Risk - Part 4

They lacked for archers of the sort that Nolan had, in order to keep their approach quieter, but it didn't matter. Most men could shoot a bow. They merely put the weapons in another man's hands, and even with lesser numbers, they'd ensured their quiet approach.

They kept the slaves tied up in the forest, and they'd tied them tight. The task of taking care of them, and ensuring that none escaped had been left to a rather… unusual suspect.

Vol had handed Penelope the ropes, to her great surprise, and given her the order. "These are my slaves. Will you ensure that they do not escape?"

It had been a test, of sorts. Vol had changed. He wanted to see if Penelope was capable of the same. He'd seen strength in her, but was it strength enough to stand beside him? She hated violence, and the brutalities that he and his men inflicted, but could she learn to stomach them?