Oddities - Part 5

Just as he'd done at the gate of the Freuds, forcing himself where the fighting was thickest. That was where he belonged. There was something to be said of that, wasn't there? Some slightest flickering of truth, a conviction to hold to, so that he might block out all other thoughts, and merely continue as he may.

Indeed, if he treated his own life as carelessly as he treated the lives of the people around him, then who could condemn his actions? None – for he was no hypocrite. He merely operated according to the principles of strength. If that be the same principles of strength that guide the gobl—No. He wouldn't think of that now. That would require far longer to come to terms with. But he reaffirmed to himself what he was, guiltlessly. He was a raider, through and through, and he would use his God-given strength to seize whatever his whims carried him towards.