The Pursuit - Part 5

Their timing was perfect. Such different men, and yet they fought together so well. They were close to being a Cell themselves, Vol realized – but in that instance, such a fact only worked against them. Vol allowed his axe to slip from his grip, and he grabbed the hand of the cavalryman on his right, as his sword came his way. With a swift motion, he pulled, dragging him from his saddle, straight into the path of his compatriot.

"W-what?" Came a cry, just before the body landed. It was too swiftly done. No one counterattack that quickly – especially not in the way that Vol had. One moment, the ex-raiders blow looked as if it was ready to land, and the next, his nobleman comrade had been tossed right onto the end of it. The two men collided together, and their combined weights dragged them from the saddle.