A Revenge Blow - Part 2

But now he saw Penelope staring, and with her, Vale had looked up from her own food. With the trailing off of conversation, Harland's attention was taking as well, and he looked behind him, and he made the faintest whistle of surprise.

With the Sea Serpents taking an interest, that was enough to needle Vol towards a potential look as well. He almost went for it too, but before he could summon up the discipline to leave his steak behind, the party had already arrived at the table.

"They told us that we would find you here," the voice said, each word clearly enunciated. The mark of a man of standing. "We looked for you. We even asked at the magistrate's office."

Penelope translated what he said for the rest of the men on the table, and then she posed a question of her own. "Why might you have been looking for us?"

"We supposed that… That you might have had a grudge with Ser Snowcore," the man said tentatively. "Ah, but if that is a mistake, do forgive me…"