The Twisted World - Part 7

"Ahhh, comrades, you've returned as well," Vol said, spying the faces of Harland and Northy and Borne amongst the crowd. "Borne – thanks for that. I suppose if they're my men, I don't mind them pitching in so much. Again, though, I'd warn against bothering the Hobgoblin."

"Vol…?" Harland said cautiously, disbelieving.

"Commander," Vol corrected, wearing a dangerous smile. "King and conqueror in the making. Ahhh, we were right to come to these lands. Right indeed."

"I've never heard the winds speak like this…" Northy murmured.

For the first time in possibly Northy's entire life, his talk of winds was likely the closest that those men could come to understanding what was in front of them. "What are they saying?" Harland asked.

"That's the Boss, alright," Northy said. "I think he's just… jacked up from battle?"

"Fight, damn you!" Vol barked, putting some iron in his voice.