The Twisted World - Part 8

Soon enough, the line made its way from the centre of the clearing, right to the edge of the forest, as the men were pushed back completely.

"Do you want me to take her from you?" Swallow asked quietly, appearing beside Vol like a phantom that he'd just summoned.

Vol frowned at the man. "No. Piss off, pretty boy," he said, before swiftly turning his back on him, and once more yelling for the mage that he knew to be behind all this. "OUTTTT YOUUUUU COMEEEEE!" He said, shouting loud enough that Swallow wrinkled his face and ducked to cover his ears.

"This is irritating…" Vol muttered to himself. "Are we going to be forced to do this all day?"

Just when it seemed as if they'd been trapped in this endless march for hours to come, a sudden blast sent the left shield line reeling, hurling those of them in the front row back several feet. Harland was amongst them, landing hard on his back, coughing up a mouthful of blood from the impact.