The New Count - Part 5

"Not at all," Vol said. "It was what needed to be said. That type of woman, stained the colours that she is, she can only appreciate you talking around the point to a degree. You gave me the moment to speak pointedly, and I took it."

"…Well, putting aside whether or not it was the best approach, it has indeed worked," Vale said. "Though I think, Lord Commander, you might be a little too excited about being put in command, are you not? I think your wanting was written a little too strongly on your face."

Vol shrugged. "I needn't not hide it. A proper battlefield, with six hundred troops under my command, and odds that are unfavourable to overcome. How could I not be excited? It has been a while… Far too long. We've spent all our time crushing foes that were unworthy, or being forced to flee from armies that far dwarfed ours. Now we find something, that just barely, might tickle my longing."

"He frightens me when he speaks like this," Penelope admitted to Vale.