A Battle of Prophecy - Part 3

Again, the chief strategist of the Stone Hands was forced to sigh. It was a wonder that a man with as much responsibility as Ruddock had collected could be so cavalier about problems that directly concerned him, but it was a fact that Kollin had long since been wrestling to deal with.

"Anyway, General, they've fallen into the trap. I imagine this is over already," Kollin said.

"Hm? What? I thought you said it wasn't going to work on them?" Ruddock said.

"The typical formation wouldn't," Kollin explained patiently. "But this one has. They've already given up their position."

He raised up his hand, and an attendant next to him rose up a flag, carrying a signal. When Kollin cast his arm down again, that signal was relayed. After a mere brief moment of pause, three hundred spearmen slipped out from amongst the main infantry, and took to the left-hand side of the valley.