The Greatest of All Monsters - Part 4

It was a decision that was not easy for the man to speak aloud. Though he spoke of victory, it was a fact that it seemed nigh impossible to keep all of the Sea Serpents contained. Some were bound to break away. There was too much momentum, and too many problems to solve to deal with them all.

The men accepted what he said with understanding nods. Some even seemed relieved to a degree. Jesper was in trouble, but Jesper would make his way out of it, as he always did. Already, they could see that he'd managed to cull the majority of the Sea Serpent men that had reached him. He'd surrounded the lot of them, and reduced their numbers to below ten.

"The only real problem," the Earl said, "is killing that thing."

"We could use it," Paxton said. "Send it Brighteyes' way. Let them deal with it. They marched all this way, and they want a share of the reward – they'll do something to earn it."