The First Job - Part 7

"Yes?" Penelope asked.

"Would you… perhaps… tell your man to stand down? He seems to be intent on provoking my men. It's become rather difficult to hold them back," Harlen said.

Penelope translated what he'd said for Vol.

"We're under no obligation to play friends with the weak," Vol said.

"…Are you looking to create strife without reason once more?" Harland said. "Silverfish has had his fun. I thought you were serious about keeping a low profile? Or do you simply speak of glory, Commander, but secretly only wish for more blood and violence?"

Vol had the man by his neck before he could say another word. He closed his fingers around his throat, his fury sudden, and terrible. "You've changed, Harland. To dare to speak to me as such. Do you no longer have any regard for your life?"