This time, Northy's wind caught them with far more effectiveness, having the advantage of standing at the end of the arrows' arc. He nearly dispelled the lot of them alone. Then, the Elder dared to jump, and set fire to those that remained, managing to stay clear of keeping the ship alight. For the final lot, it was Borne that kept them safe.

"Damn it all!" Came the cry of Earl Drygon. He'd mounted the docks with his horse, and he'd snatched a torch from one of the archer's hands. From the way he was galloping, he intended to see that torch thrown at the ship himself.

And indeed he came running, just as the oars set themselves into the water, and the first stroke was given by their men below deck. From horseback, that torch was tossed, and with the most contemptuous motion, Vagrin swatted it down again, back into the sea.