Craghill - Part 9

He sketched a belt that Vol could hang three smaller axes in for throwing. Hatchets they were, more than axes, when compared to the scale of the other two weapons that the smith had drawn. Vol found himself liking that idea immensely.

"Do you have axes that you can sell me for that?" Vol asked eagerly. "And the belt?"

"I don't do much leather work. Nothing past sheathes. You'd be better off asking the armourer Uoldan. He's a miserable bastard, but he knows his work, he does," Jormvik said. "As far as the axes, aye, I could sell you a few that I've got hanging around now. What about the details on your custom axe? Any preferred designs, beyond what we've already discussed?"

Vol shook his head. "I'll leave it to you. I don't think I could think of anything better than what you already make."