The Magistrate's Efforts - Part 3

Penelope raised her voice to announce her arrival. "Penelope of House Farseer arrives with the Sea Serpents in order to see the undertaking of the posted quest," she said, loud and clear enough that she could have been heard from the very top of the tower if someone had been standing there.

But there was no answer. They waited a full five minutes, before trying again, and still, there was no answer to be had.

"It's empty," Silverfish declared with certainty. "I got my pissin' feet wet for nothing. This is rubbish."

"Is it not possible that they've reorganized their strength in a single tower, giving their lacking numbers?" Barcus asked Penelope. He didn't understand the conversations that had been muttered in Yarmdon, but he knew just as well as any what the heart of the problem was.

"Four hundred men in a single tower?" Penelope said, frowning. "It isn't impossible… but it does seem unlikely."