Preparing to Part - Part 4

"We said Ernest, didn't we?" Harland said. Since he'd been the cause of the questioning, he carried his share of guilt, and appropriately helped to guide the conversation towards something more in line with what Vol wanted. "Apologies – Ernest with Blackbeard. We're just heading for Stormfront in general."

"That we are," Vol agreed. "We will cross the Black Mountains, just as Jok and Gorm did, and we will seek a fortune in slaves from these villages."

"What's more to plan than that, then?" Vagrin asked. "Sounds like a good plan to me, Boss. I'll stand by it. Even Oliver Patrick is gonna struggle to track us amongst the mountains, if we do it right."

"I agree," Harland said, "but let us not forget that the Oliver Patrick that defeated Gorm all those years ago was a far weaker Oliver Patrick than faces us now… How can we be sure that he will be occupied whilst we are raiding?"