The First Attack - Part 7

He went for another merchant next. This one with a foppish velvet blue hat sat atop his bald head. A hat that he was no doubt proud of. From the frown lines on his face, it was obvious what usual expression of pomposity he assumed. Now, that expression was long gone, replaced by a fear even more acute than that of the villagers – the fear of a man who felt like he truly had something to lose. A place in the world that he'd begged and scraped for. Something that he'd sinned for. All of it lost on the end of Vol's fist.

He made an almost womanly groan as he was sent to the ground – something that Vol was struck by, given the number of womanly groans he heard from around him, as they were wrestled to the floor by the army of men flooding across the village.

"Please," the man said. "I have coin. I can pay you. I can give you passage for your slaves… please just don't…"