The Monster's Requiem - Part 3

"Gigantism, I suppose, my Lord," Dwire said. "If we think about its weight, it's probably as heavy as a hundred men."

"Your point?" The Earl asked.

"Well, it might only be dense enough to be part of the Third Boundary, but the sheer volume of it… it's true combat might when compared to the likes of normal troops, it's at least worth a few hundred of them," Dwire said.

The Earl was forced to incline his head in agreement. Oftentimes, he did not like the meandering way that Dwire spoke normal facts as if they were some profound pieces of wisdom, but in regards to the Boundaries, the old man didn't really have a choice but to be vague, for it was indeed a vague affair. A Third Boundary might stand toe to toe with a Third Boundary monster, for their individual combat might was matched. But a Third Boundary man was unable to take on hundreds of men in the same way Third Boundary monsters were able to, for the group fighting capacity of those monsters was superior.