Prophecy - Part 5

"Has something happened?" Penelope said, as perceptive as ever. From the dampness of her hair, Vol guessed that she'd only just arrived from the bath. Her training that day had left her sweaty, and she'd been in a rush to get washed up from it.

At the very least, her mood seemed to be good. Her training was steadier now. She wasn't exactly throwing everything that she had into it – the rough experiences that she'd endured as a child made that difficult for her. But given the strength of what she already had, Vol was patient enough to allow her the time she needed. Currently, she was working on stabilizing her hammer spell, so that she could conjure it more consistently.

"Your bodyguard has likely gone and gotten herself kidnapped," Vol said dryly. "Vagrin went running after her without telling us anything. He's going to suffer for that."