The Raider's Spirit - Part 5

"Damn it," Vol cursed, hefting the axe back behind his shoulder. He'd trained for days with this – a short time for anyone else. But with his System, it was a remarkable investment. He'd upgraded his axe-throwing skill until it had evolved. The new skill 'Long-Ranged Axe Techniques' seemed like it couldn't have a more appropriate name for the situation that they found themselves in.

It was twenty metres, double what he usually practised with, but the target was also double the size of the one that he usually aimed for.

Another second passed, and Vol made his decision. With a roar, he pulled his arm back over his head, and launched the axe all his might, flinging it at an incredible speed with the strength that he had. It skirted just above the heads of the Syndran men, tracing a shallow parabola.