The New Count - Part 1

Vol tilted his head, and raised his eyebrow. That was single enough for his men to know that they could ask questions on his behalf.

"Why might the man have chosen to defect?" Harland asked. "I suppose there's some weakness hidden in that defection that we can strike with?"

"Now a weakness. A supposed strength," Francis said. "He did so with the promise of aid. He's warring with the neighbouring Count Tiller. He didn't have the numbers of skill to best him in outright battle, so the magistrates of Farefax – the neighbouring town – have offered him the men he needs to see that added territory captured. Under the condition, of course, that such captured territory will be included in their own borders, along with his land."

"And you wish for the Sea Serpents to support Count Tiller?" Harland prodded.