Notoriety - Part 3

"I-I'll see to it that Ser Baker is informed of your arrival, my Lady," one of the guardsmen said, stammering, clearly nervous to be speaking to a high-born Lady for the first time.

He practically sprinted as he went to deliver that message of his. Shortly enough, two men were striding across the by now well torch-lit campground. One they recognized to be the young Ser Baker from earlier, and the other was a middle-aged man with the same features, who Vol assumed to be the father.

"Lady Farseer and the Sea Serpents, I presume?" The older Ser Baker spoke first, giving Penelope a bow as he did so. "Thank you for coming. Your timing could not have been better. We are to march to join the main war party in the morning. Your addition to our numbers shall help us save a significant amount of face."