The Sea - Part 3

There, Vol could have chosen his own sort of lie, but as devilish as the world might have deemed him, most of the time, he preferred straightforward honesty, if only for the sake of his own instincts. "No," he said.

"That man was already defeated before we ran at him. If he had kept himself hidden amongst his men, we couldn't have done what we did, and they would have pursued us even now," Vale said. "Still, I imagine, his family will have granted access to Earl Maddon and Brighteyes, and our pursuit continues – which is why you keep us travelling throughout the night."

"That is true," Vol said measuredly.

"Then…" Vale said.

"Then what?" Vol said. "Do you have a plan to offer up, or is this mere curiosity?"

Vale frowned. It was the sort of look that would have made Vagrin coo. He saw the beauty in Vale – it wasn't hard to miss – but he especially treasured her anger, in a rather toxic sort of way.