The Confrontation - Part 2

Vol kicked Nootka again, earning a groan from the man. It was a petty move, a spiteful one, done merely to show that he could. He made it clear to all those that stood there that he had power enough to do that and there was naught that Blackbeard could do to stop him.

"You've gotten bold," Blackbeard noted. "When I rescued you from the town's guard, you were no better than a child with a knife. I've made you what you are, and you come here to spit on me?"

"Rescue me?" Vol said. "It was you that brought the town's guard upon me, Blackbeard. And at the Freuds', it was I that covered your escape."

"Such ungratefulness," Blackbeard said, shaking his head. "And now you take it out on poor Nootka."

"I take out on Nootka the same measure of disrespect that his mouth carried," Vol said. "As I did to those with him."